Creation/Creativity Digital Tools for Students

Updated 6/2020

It has been over 10 years since Sir Ken Robinson first spoke at a Ted Talk and asked the question “Do schools kill creativity?”   Educators are still discussing how students can be encouraged to be creative and to accept ‘failure’ as part of a positive learning process. Here are some tools to use with your students to explore and stimulate their natural creativity for learning.  Give them time to reflect on their creative process too!

Canva– Canva is a graphic-design tool website – It uses a drag-and-drop format and provides access to over a million photographs, graphics, and fonts. More info at EdShelf

Educreations – an interactive whiteboard and screencasting tool that’s simple, powerful, and fun to use. Annotate, animate, and narrate nearly any type of content as you explain any concept.

Explain Everything – Create interactive learning experiences where students and teachers can share thoughts and ideas in real-time. There is a fee with this one.

Thinglink –  an interactive media platform that allows students to use multimedia content and links to share their knowledge and tell their story by tagging images or videos with hotspots that include additional information.

Piktochart -simple, intuitive tool that helps you tell your story with the visual impact

PowToon– Students create awesome videos and presentations

Book Creator – “Book Creator is a simple tool for creating awesome digital books. Create your own teaching resources or have your students take the reins.”

StoryBird – Create visual stories and improve writing & creativity skills

Visit CommonSense Media at Best Creation Tools and Find an EdTech Tool for more ideas and reviews of tech tools for your classroom.  EdShelf will also provide ideas, reviews, and recommendations for education tech tools.

Christine Schein
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