Growing Readers Together Initiative Receives Preschool Development Grant

Public libraries are early literacy leaders in their communities. In recognition and expansion of this mission, Growing Readers Together (GRT), an initiative of the Colorado State Library, is pleased to announce the receipt of $150,000 through the Preschool Development Grant. This federal grant, administered locally by the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) in the Colorado Department of Human Services, will expand free training and resources on early literacy throughout 2019. Both library staff and informal child care providers across the state can join to expand their early literacy support for young children. Additional details will be announced this spring.

Growing Readers Together was  created to support local public libraries as they identify, locate and build partnerships with Family, Friend & Neighbor (FFN) caregivers in their communities. Through connection with their local public library, FFN can better support the early literacy development of their young charges. Likewise, libraries can expand and enrich their early literacy services to the community.

For more information on the Growing Readers Together initiative, and why libraries choose to participate, click here.

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