Time Machine Tuesday: Drought in Colorado, 1990

Back in 1990 Colorado State University’s Colorado Water Resources Research Institute (today known as the Colorado Water Institute) published a basic guidebook on drought in Colorado:

Water is very important to Colorado.  Because of its fickle climate, the state is subject to drought.  This brochure was prepared to explain why this subject is important, where Colorado’s water comes from, how it is managed, and what Colorado is doing to best deal with drought.  —abstract

Despite the passage of a quarter century most of the information in this booklet is still highly relevant as Colorado’s climate swings from extreme to extreme — this year saw one of our rainiest springs change into one of our dryest late-summers.  Other resources on drought available from our library include:

Search terms such as “drought,” “climate,” or “water” in our library’s web catalog for numerous other resources from various state agencies including CSU, the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Colorado Division of Water Resources, and many others.