Special Education Resources

Students with disabilities, gifted students, and culturally/linguistically diverse students are among the populations served by special education.  Whether you are an educator or a parent/family of an exceptional/special needs student, the Colorado Department of Education has many resources on their Special Education website that can help you navigate the special education process.  Our library also has a number of resources on special/exceptional education.  Some highlights include:

Publications listed above that lack hyperlinks can be checked out in hardcopy from our library.  For more resources search our web catalog using keywords such as:

  • accommodations
  • child identification; early intervention; intervention
  • culturally or linguistically diverse
  • exceptional children; exceptional education; exceptional students; exceptional student services
  • Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA); Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
  • gifted; gifted and talented; gifted students; twice exceptional
  • handicapped children; handicapped students (if searching for older information)
  • learning disabilities; students with disabilities
  • special education; special needs
  • specific disabilities, i.e. autism; deaf; deafblind; dyslexia; speech-language pathology; visually impaired
  • transition planning; transition requirements