Developmental/Remedial Education

The Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) has just released a new publication, Legislative Report on Developmental Education for the High School Class of 2015As defined by the report, developmental education “includes traditional remedial education, assessment of a need for remediation education, and participation in Supplemental Academic Instruction.”  The purpose of the report, which was mandated by the Legislature, is “to inform the ongoing dialogue regarding preparation for college and the effects of developmental education.”  According to the report, 36.1% of — or more than 1 in 3 — 2015 high school graduates who went on to attend college were placed into developmental education in at least one subject.

The new report is the latest in the series of annual statistical reports on remedial education; past years’ reports are available online from our library.  So what do these statistics mean?  CDHE has prepared a quick video entitled Understanding Remedial Rates in Colorado that provides some helpful information.