Reptilian Love

Ah. The alligator. An animal that makes you feel warm and fuzzy and ready to cuddle its cute soft self. No, not really. And yet, amazingly, we have two novels in our collection about people who choose to live a little too intimately with an alligator or two.

516Erb5JQZL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_SwamplandiaFirst, there is the novel about a woman who raises an alligator in the family bathtub, finally realizing at one point, perhaps it’s not the best environment for the alligator and endures a road trip from Virginia to Florida to return Albert the Alligator back to his natural habitat.

Second, we have the story of a dysfunctional family that runs a theme park in the Everglades, complete with an alligator wrestler. As told from perspective of one of the teenage age daughters, its an interesting read for the young adults out there.

See ya later alligator. After while crocodile. -Bill Haley

Arian Osborne
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