Collaborating During Stressful Times

Learning Burst Course

We want to ensure that our student learners are effective collaborators who can thrive in today’s workforce. And yet, how many of us adult learners have received guidance or training in collaborating effectively? What are the key ingredients of exemplary collaboration? And how can we grow and provide guidance for others in this skill?

Join the inaugural (and FREE) Learning Burst, a one-hour-a-week blended learning opportunity for 4 weeks.

In this first course offering, you will learn with and from one another on collaborating with others, especially during stressful times. We will explore articles and resources on collaboration as well as practical “on the ground” materials and/or strategies that you are considering in supplementing this.

Outcomes for the “Collaborating During Stressful Times” Learning Burst:

    • Gain a deeper understanding of what collaboration ingredients are
    • Develop and/or co-teach an interdisciplinary collaborative lesson for now or the future
    • Share your learning with your administrator and, ideally another educator(s)
    • Ideate/build relationships with fellow Learning Burst colleagues

The course will open on November 1, 2020, and access to the course will be provided shortly before the 1st day. Learners will earn 4 CE hours at the conclusion of this course.  You can register at Learning Burst Course.

If you have any questions, contact Becky Russell or Tammy Langeberg.

Christine Schein
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